11 Things To Do On Valentine’s Day If You’re Single

If you're single on Valentine's Day, there are a few ways you can cope. Firstly, you can forget the whole thing exists and live your life like it were any other boring day — a solid plan. Secondly, you could spend the day wallowing in a state of self-pity because you don't have a date (I strongly advise against this). Or thirdly, you could make the most of your singlehood and its seemingly unfortunate timing — my personal favorite tactic. There's no shortage of things to do on Valentine's Day if you're single . Trust me. In fact, you might be better off than your friends who are coupled up. Think about it. You don't have to put a whole lot of thought into your Valentine's Day plans or spend way too much money on flowers and chocolates . There's no pressure to make the day special for anyone but yourself and what's great about that? Well, no one knows you better than you know yourself. Say goodbye to ghosts of Valentine's Days p...